The Final Chapter: The Great Tribulation

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The Final Chapter: The Great Tribulation

17 November, 2024

Series: Authority

Topic: end times

Book: Mark

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Scripture: Mark 13:24-27

The Final Chapter: Understanding the Great Tribulation

This sermon provides an in-depth examination of Mark 13:24-27, focusing on the events surrounding Christ’s second coming. We begin by setting the context, explaining that these verses follow Jesus’ discussion of the Final Chapter and the Great Tribulation and the abomination of desolation. We then emphasise that these events are not spread apart by thousands of years but occur in close succession.

The sermon then explores three main views on interpreting the cosmic signs mentioned in the passage:
1. Hyper-literal: The actual sun, moon, and stars will be affected.
2. Symbolic: The signs represent the failure of political powers and false religions.
3. Poetic literal: The events are real and transformative but described using poetic language due to their extraordinary nature.

We then argue for the poetic literal interpretation, citing examples from Scripture where similar language is used to describe actual events. He draws parallels to the darkness at Christ’s crucifixion (Mark 15:33) and Peter’s description of the day of the Lord (2 Peter 3:10-12).

A significant portion of the sermon is dedicated to emphasising the literal, visible nature of Christ’s return. We refute the idea that this event already occurred in 70 AD, pointing to Jesus’ use of the term “Son of Man” and its connection to Daniel 7. He also cites Acts 1:6-11, where angels declare that Jesus will return in the same way He ascended.

The role of angels in the end times is discussed, and we explain their function in gathering the elect and participating in judgment. He references several passages, including Mark 8:38, Matthew 13:41, and Matthew 25:31-46, to support this understanding.

The sermon concludes with five practical applications for Christian living in light of Christ’s imminent return:
1. Shifting focus from temporary to eternal pursuits
2. Making time for spiritual growth
3. Prioritising relationships over self-interest
4. Using time for Kingdom purposes
5. Seeing daily work as a calling

Throughout the sermon, we are encouraged to reorient our lives around these principles, challenging the worldly priorities of accumulating wealth, status, and material possessions. He urges Christians to invest in eternal pursuits, prioritise spiritual disciplines, reconcile broken relationships, and view their work as a mission field.

The overall message emphasises the importance of living with an eternal perspective, recognising that Christ’s return is not just a future event to be studied, but a reality that should transform how we live each day.