
“Ready in Season”

This post comes from My Utmost For His Highest Be ready in season and out of season —2 Timothy 4:2 Many of us suffer from the unbalanced tendency to “be ready” only “out of season.” The season does not refer to time; it refers to us. This verse says, “Preach the Word! Be ready in...


Let God Speak

This post comes from Calvary Chapel Pastors I’ve been traveling throughout the UK this past week and speaking at a number of different events. As I go from place to place, I’m finding the same thing over and over again: God is speaking to people through His Word. It never ceases to amaze me how...


The Warning Against Desiring Spiritual Success

This post comes from My Utmost For His Highest Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you . . . —Luke 10:20 Worldliness is not the trap that most endangers us as Christian workers; nor is it sin. The trap we fall into is extravagantly desiring spiritual success; that is, success...


What Does God Mean?

This post comes from Calvary Chapel Pastors One morning I listened to a news commentator explain how we are constantly adding words to our dictionary. He pointed out that whenever we add a new word, the speakers who make the word popular—especially newscasters—at first use the term to convey a very specific and definite meaning....
