Who Leads the Church?

Who Leads the Church?

As I’m blogging my way through 1 Timothy i’ve come to a section of the letter that explains who should lead the church. You’ll know, if you’ve been following along with these blogs that Timothy is a young pastor in a divided church and Paul is writing to him to encourage him to set things...

Redeeming Work Pt2

Redeeming Work Pt2

In my previous post, which can be found here, I started to explore how we can redeem our work. Please do have a thoughtful read of it before you start to read what comes next. In today’s post I want to think about the second way we can redeem our work, and that is through...

Redeeming Work Pt1

Redeeming Work Pt1

In this post I am going to be writing about the issue of work and how we, as Christians should approach the topic of work. This is a three part post and today I’ll be writing about the glorification of God in our work. If we go back to the beginning we see how the...

Equal value, different roles – 1 Timothy 2:11-15

Equal value, different roles – 1 Timothy 2:11-15

I’m currently blogging my way through 1 Timothy. It’s a lot slower that I anticipated and so if you’ve only just joined the conversation please see these posts of where I’ve come to. As a quick reminder to the context of Paul’s writing to Timothy:  The church in Ephesus where the young pastor Timothy is...
