Safeguarding Notice
Safeguarding and Child Protection
We take the welfare of your child seriously. Therefore we have put in place a number of measures to ensure your child remains safe and that they enjoy their time with us on a Sunday morning:
- We are members of CCPAS
- We have two designated safeguarding officers and they can be contacted here
- All of our children and youth workers are checked against the national Disclosure and Barring Service.
- All of our children and youth workers undertake regular child protection training from CCPAS as well as in-house training.
- Badges are issued to every parent and child that signs in so that they can be easily identified. Children must be collected using the number badges
- All of our children workers can be easily identified each week because they will be wearing a Calvary Lanyards
Our full Safeguarding Policy can be obtained on request by contacting on of our designated safeguarding officers using the link above