We’re Back – that’s the big news this month! In-person gatherings have already started and although we had some technical issues on the night it was so amazing to see so many of you come out. Thank you for making the effort!
We’re changing some things around over the next few weeks so here’s a quick run down of what’s coming up:
- Our Sunday Morning Service will continue to be streamed online. From 4th October we will be switching to using YouTube as our only platform. To access this you will need to use the website address: https://live.calvarysoton.co.uk. Between now and the 4th we will continue to use Online Church platform.
- Life Groups will continue to meet via Zoom. Everyone is welcome so please search the events calendar for the Life Group to join and come along and see us.
- Our monthly Ladies’ and Men’s Bible Studies will also continue to meet via Zoom. Everyone is welcome so please search the events calendar for the right event to join and come along and see us.
- From 13 September we will no longer publish our weekly study guide or family ministry materials.
- From 20 September our Post-Service Fellowship on Zoom will cease.
- Most of the details for gathering in-person can be found in the weekly e-bulletin or on the event in the calendar
- Friday 18 September is our next in-person gathering, then we move to Sunday Mornings on 4th October
- The main thing to remember is that we are “Covid safe” and seats need to be booked prior to your arrival.
- Children’s ministry is available. Please book “Family Ministry” ticket in the event page.
- At the moment we are unable to serve tea/coffee but we’re working on it! For now, feel free to bring your own!
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