Continuing in our study through James, we looked at James 1:2-18, focused on the topic of trials. There was a great deal to challenge us this week, so I’m sure there will be much conversation.
Pray Together
- What are some of the church needs you’re aware of?
- Who in the church needs your intercession?
- What are you and your loved ones praying for at the moment?
- What wider situations can you pray into?
Read Together
If you want to listen to the sermon again, or if you missed it this week, you can listen to it here or via our podcast. The title for our series in James is “Well Done is Better than Well Said.”
As we zoom in on the subject of faith – the human response of believing and trusting God – we looked at the matter of trials.
To recap, we looked at five headings this week:
- The Certainty of Troubles – it’s not if, but when!
- The Benefit of Troubles – they produce steadfastness – hyperstand!
- The Power of Troubles – in them, God’s wisdom is there for the asking. We need to conform our souls to the objective reality of God’s promises, rather than seek to conform reality to our desires.
- The Problems of Troubles – two problems related to trials are (1) recognising our need for wisdom, and (2) lacking trials, for “sanctified poverty is far more beneficial than ensnaring prosperity.”
- The Promise of Troubles – for the one who hyperstands, there is the crown of life awaiting. Trials are not given to defeat but to perfect.
- How did these resonate with you in your life?
- What trials have you faced in the past? What wisdom did you learn?
- Are you facing trials now? How can you focus on work of God, and keep your joy?
Read: 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:10
- What is the basis for the authors “not losing heart?”
- Where do they fix their gaze?
- Is it reassuring that they “groan” in their earthly homes? Do you ever feel the same?
- What keeps them in “good courage?”
Keep Each Other Accountable
Your Connect Groups are intended to be a place where you can talk and share openly and honestly about the areas in which we struggle. Can you still remember this verse?
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
We all struggle in many ways, so be encouraged so share together and pray together.
Pray for One Another
Share your prayer needs and requests. Commit to pray for one another, not just now but throughout the week.
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