We looked at just a few verses today in James, verses 19-25 in chapter one. But what verses! Verses that don’t so much required detailed exegesis, but humble submission and self-examination.
Pray Together
- What are some of the church needs you’re aware of?
- Who in the church needs your intercession?
- What are you and your loved ones praying for at the moment?
- What wider situations can you pray into?
Read Together
If you want to listen to the sermon again, or if you missed it this week, it’ll be available on our website and our podcast. The title for our series in James is “Well Done is Better than Well Said.”
Speech and Anger
In v19-21 James exposes the sin in many of us. How often are we slow to listen and quick to speak? How often are we quick to anger and frustration when things don’t go how we wanted?
Take the time to review these three proverbs:
Is this a challenge for you? Can you think of times when you have not held your tongue? What was the impact?
Are there particular areas in your life that you are prone to anger? In Galatians 5:19, Paul lists “fits of anger” under the “works of the flesh.” Note the seriousness in Paul’s warning. If this is an area you want God to deliver you, then it begins with confession – agreeing with God about its sinfulness – and repentance – changing your mind about it and seeking to go in a different direction. Be accountable to your Connect group. Pray for one another.
Hearing and Doing
In our text today, James is exhorting us to take action. God’s Word has been spoken, therefore, what must we do?
Read John 13:17
- How does Jesus describe the one who does?
Read James 4:17
- How does James describe the failure to do what is right?
Again, we can probably all think of times where we have not done the good we knew God was prompting us to do. James says this is self-deception: we deceive ourselves from the blessing God wants to give us if we persevere in doing good.
Keep Each Other Accountable
Your Connect Groups are intended to be a place where you can talk and share openly and honestly about the areas in which we struggle. Can you still remember this verse?
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
We all struggle in many ways, so be encouraged so share together and pray together.
Pray for One Another
Share your prayer needs and requests. Commit to pray for one another, not just now but throughout the week.
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