Life Group Notes for Sunday 7 February – Romans 12:1-2
Big idea from the message: Paul appeals to us to come down from the mountaintop of theology, and to live it out at ground level.
Discussion questions:
- What key things did you take away from the message?
- How do you feel about moving away from theology to practice? Why do you feel that way?
- Why did the early believers refer to themselves as “followers of the Way?”
- In what ways can we draw parallels between the Exodus and our salvation?
- Discuss the phrase “Holiness is neither automatic nor inevitable.” If this is the case, how do we grow in holiness? What is our contribution?
- Who do you think are the primary people looking at your conduct and way of life? How conscious are you of this, day to day?
- Is there one thing about your day-to-day conduct that the Lord is speaking to you about?
- How can we pray for your walk this week?
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