I’m excited to start our new teaching series in the book of proverbs next month. I also find it such an exciting time when we are beginning a new book. I’m particularly excited about what God wants to say to us in this book … it’s a book full of practical advice and wisdom covering issues like sexuality, marriage, parenting and money management. Whilst I think it’s going to be really helpful for us to spend some time in Proverbs I really think that we can maximise the impact by doing three things:
Make wisdom your prayer
In this digital age we live in, we have a wealth of information at our fingertips and yet, despite the daily bombardment of information bits and bytes, it seems like many of us are more confused, stressed and depressed than ever. What we need is not more information, but more wisdom. Wisdom that comes from God.
Proverbs 9:4 encourages us: Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!”. Proverbs 4:7 says exhorts us to “Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight.”
Most of us, however, don’t seem to have “Get wisdom” on our daily to-do lists, let alone as the number one priority on our prayer request list. God wants us to prioritize His wisdom above everything else we set our hearts to pursue.
Read a chapter a day in January
In your own devotions, or as a couple, read one chapter of Proverbs every day in January. On the 1st read chapter 1, on the 2nd read chapter 2 ….. you get the idea. By the time February has come around, you’ll have read all over Proverbs and prepared your hearts for what God wants to do in you.
Involve the whole family
There is a great little series of family devotions by Marty Machowski called “Wise Up: Ten-Minute Family Devotions in Proverbs”. If you have children, would you prayerfully consider leading your family through this little book – just 10 minutes during dinner is all it takes.
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