This year I seem to have been on a book marathon – 36 books read this year in total. So. Which were my favourites and which ones would I prefer to have left on the shelf? Here’s my round up:
Best Daily Devotional
My Rock. My Refuge by Timothy Keller. My wife and I spent a good portion of the year going through this little book. It’s straight forward enough fo digest quickly but Keller touches on some issues that allow you to meditate on them throughout the day.
Best Theology
Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray was one of the highlights of my 2016 reading. I had read it as a student but it seemed much more appreciated this time around. Certainly I do not agree with everything Murray writes (mainly the order in which salvation occurs) but this is a solid read and to the discerning reader it will strengthen and encourage your faith.
Best Leadership
This year I had the privilege of teaching the servanthood class at the Calvary Chapel Online School of Ministry. Small chapters but big ideas is what Weirsbe is about and the book was so good I bought others to share around. Here’s a great quote:
The joy of the Lord grows primarily out of our relationship with Him, while the fear of the Lord grows out of our responsibility to Him
Wiersbe, W. W. (2007). On Being a Servant of God (Revised Edition, p. 122). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.
Best Audio Book
This year I listened to more audio books that I have ever done before – 6 in total. I’m not sold on the idea, mainly because I like to stop and think about the writing and audio books when listening on my daily commute don’t really allow me to do that. Still, there were a few books that were easy enough to “read” and by far the best was “Happiness” by Randy Alcorn. The premise? Well, Christians, Alcorn says, are supposed to be happy. He then spends in the next 450 pages proving it. Worth a read.
Best Bible Commentary
This year I have been teaching through the Gospel of Luke and enjoyed every minute. To help, I’ve been reading Darrell Bock’s (research professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary) commentary on Luke. It’s not for the faint heartened (he covers the first 10 chapters in just under 1000 pages) and not always the easiest of reads but well worth the time and effort.
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