I know, I know .. it’s a little early for a November update but there are a few things we’d like to bring to your attention as we move into November, related to our Covid response.
Still the most effective way for us to continue meeting in-person, without the need for wearing face masks is that everyone takes a Covid test on Saturday or Sunday morning. The reason for this is so that everyone who is coming to church has tested negative within 24 hours of meeting therefore the risks of meeting are dramatically reduced.
That being said we have made some changes to our risk assessment and these changes are likely to remain in place for the winter months. Here a summary of the changes:
- ATTENDANCE & LIVE STREAM – Clearly there is no change on the government guidance to isolate if you have tested positive or our displaying COVID-19 symptoms. We are continuing to live stream our services for those unable to come in-person.
- HAND SANITISER – no change. Please continue to use hand sanitiser on entry and exit to the building as well as after touching face and after handling shared items. Sensible hygiene should also be observed (covering mouth and nose when sneezing, using tissues and disposing immediately) in bins provided.
- PHYSICAL DISTANCING – no change. Please judge your own risk tolerance but also please consider that others may be more cautious about contact than you are. There are always more seats put out than we actually need so please make use of the whole space.
- MASKS – individuals should choose how to manage their own risk regarding the wearing of masks. We would never say “you must wear a mask” and our current guidance has been to say it is your choice .. and it still is. However, we are now recommending you wear a mask when circulating the building or chatting to each other i.e. on arrival, then removing your mask when you’ve found your seat. To be clear, no one will be asked to wear a mask or turned away if you do not have one.
- DOORS & WINDOWS – Windows will remain open but the inner doors will be closed, and the door to the quad will be closed. To help draw in fresh air from the outside we will be using an industrial “air mover”. This will mean that the building is warmer but there will still be a bit of a breeze to circulate fresh air into the building.
- SINGING – our previous restriction of only having 3 songs has been changed to having 20 minutes of singing, with an additional song at the end of the service.
Of course that isn’t to say that any of this is fool proof. Our desire is for anyone who wants to come to church that they are welcomed and able to hear the transformed good news of Jesus. Continue to pray for wisdom as we seek to do this.
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