You are more than a viewer.
You are not a spectator.
Your contribution matters.
You make a difference.
These are the things that we are passionate about repeating over and over again and as we go into yet another week of lockdown the Bible speaks loud and clear to us:
“let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:24-25)
How do we do this in the digital world? Here are some suggests on how to get the most out of online church:
- Come ready – I dare say that if you roll out of bed at 10:30(ish), you’re not going to be fully engaged in the service. If you’re fumbling around trying to make coffee, locate your Bible or something else your mind is not ready to worship.
- Come prayerfully – You need to prepare your heart as much as you prepare your body. Consider spending some time in prayer before the service, to pray for the service. That the worship would be honouring and the sermon would be impactful. I remember years ago speaking to someone who didn’t like the style of worship we have .. I asked them, since they were so passionate about worship, why they didn’t attend our pre-service prayer meeting in which we pray that our worship would honour God. Needless to say they got the point! Our worship leaders and preachers need your help. So pray for them, that what they do would both honour God and serve you.
- Be fully present – there are lots and lots of digital distractions. However, there than give in the temptation of jumping onto Facebook to check your fame status mid-service, choose to stay committed and engaged.
- Take notes – unless you have the memory of Deep Blue you’re not going to remember everything. Indeed, taking notes is a good way to get the sermon from the ear to the heart. It’s also useful for when Life Group comes around and we get to discuss how the sermon is making an impact on us. Taking notes is also an excellent way of staying present.
- Be Aware of the limitations of technology – because our computers, phones, and televisions are so often used to consume entertainment, it takes work for us to connect with God in this way. Let’s not get confused between entertainment and worship! One thing to consider is being intentional about making the space in which you will engage more conducive for worship.
Let’s do something to stand against the inclination to merely consume.
6. Avoid YouTube – … I know I know .. YouTube is easy and slick and …. BUT … there is zero engagement in YouTube. What I mean is this .. church is not something you watch but something you are part of. Our chat window should be filled with conversation, prayer requests and encouragement. Instead, it’s actually pretty dull most of the time. Let’s change that. Let’s encourage one another, lift each other up in prayer, share with others what God is speaking to you about! I guaranteed this will transform your online experience.
7. Engage (Like, Share, Comment) – Every week we post invitations on Instgram and Facebook inviting people to join our online church. You can share those posts and make them go further. Why not send a personal invitation telling them you’ll see them online!
Church. Let’s be church.
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