Growing in Christ – Secure

Foundational to our walk with Christ is our identity in Christ. Understanding who you are as a Christian will go a long way in helping you grow as a Christian.

In this Growing in Christ blog series I have been writing about the Biblical concept of being hidden in Christ and the benefits this brings to Christians. Today I want to write about another of the key benefits of being hidden in Christ and that is security.

You are secure. 

This means that you do not need to agonise about your future or worry that God will someday turn his back on you. You do not need to be anxious and be concerned about where your eternal destiny lays. Once you are in Christ, you will always be in Christ. You will never be separated from Him. Those who have been justified will always stay justified. Those who are in God’s family will always been part of God’s family.

Jesus said:

whoever comes to me I will never cast out.

John 6:37

Paul said:

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1:6

God never grows tired of you.

God never wearies of your constant struggle with sin

God never wishes He had saved someone other than you


Live your life today free from fear. You are secure.


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