Someone humorously once joked that Malachi was “the Italian Prophet” because his name could be pronounced as if it were Italian. Well, I’m not sure about that but I do know that the book of Malachi is certainly worth studying. So, coming up in January we are taking a short walk through the book of Malachi. Our four-week mini-series will teach us to love the things that God loves. Through the words of the prophet Malachi, we learn God’s love for his people, his name, his covenant, and His messenger. These same passions are to be present in the lives of his people today.
I’m so grateful for the young(er) men who will be teaching this as I can some time away from the pulpit to plan and prepare for the completion of our sermon series through the book of Romans. They won’t be teaching verse-by-verse as we normally would do – that means that although their sermons will be expository (from a text), they won’t be covering the whole book of Malachi. Instead, in Life Groups, there will be an opportunity to read the entire book together.
The series starts on 10 January.
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