We often think that serving in church is a big weekly job.
A few hours on a Sunday morning setting up equipment, or greeting new comers.
These are vital roles for people to take on. But to leave ‘service’ with just these roles is to underestimate the term.
The Bible talks of the various gifts we are given, and how diverse the church family can be. It’s only right that our list of service should reflect this. In reality, the list of ways to serve in a church would be endless.
In readiness for our re-opening of in-person meetings we are publishing a new ministry service rota for the next few months. However, we really want to encourage you to TWO things:
- Sign up to a service rota – we need greeters and people to set up and tear down. We might not be called to these things but we are called to serve one another.
- Come prepared to use your spiritual gift to serve – you may not use your gift of encouragement when you are pulling down the marquees but you still have an opportunity to come along side someone, listen to their heart, pray for them and encourage them.
- all sign ups will be done via ChurchSuite. If you don’t have access to this please contact us
- please be eager to service your church! Take note of the things you’ll be asked to do and come prepared to do it
- You’ll notice that some of the roles are either missing or have changed. This is because we need to streamline everything so that the fewest people are serving on any given Sunday as possible.
- if you don’t know what gifting you have ask someone! Most of the time they will see things in you that you don’t see yourself. You don’t have to be highly skilled and perfect! Start stepping out into God’s purpose for you in our fellowship and see how God will bless it
Thanks again for your patience as we prepare to reopen for in-person gatherings on 4th October.
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