For the past three or four years we have attempted to make our summers a bit more fellowship focussed by having “Summer of Love” events on a Sunday after church. These have usually been in the form of a picnic or BBW with various other fund things going on like water slide and bouncy castles. As we’ve got our church retreat this summer we’ve decided to choose three Sunday’s to do this. We’re calling it “Sizzling Summer” and it will not only be an opportunity to fellowship, but also an opportunity to service and bring your friends to church. The dates and times are:
- 12 August – 10:30am for breakfast feast followed by an all-age church service at 11:15am
- 19 August – 10:30am all-age service followed by a picnic at Riverside Park
- 26 August – 4:00pm BBQ followed by a 6:00pm all-age service.
We hope you will not only consider coming along but also signing up to serve and bring your friends.
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