Let’s face it .. Zoom isn’t a real place. Online church isn’t either. However great these technologies are they are not real. They are electrical processes that mimic the real world. You nickname on a Zoom meeting isn’t real either. It’s just a collection of words that might mean something during the meeting … but the meeting only lasts for a while then it’s over. There’s not lasting connection because .. well the connections been pulled!
It’s our conviction that church involves real people and real places.
This is why we’re introducing a series into our Life Group meetings about this very issue. We’re encouraging you to read the book “Analog Church” (excuse the US spelling). We’ll discuss this in detail at our Life Groups .. pull out the things we disagree with and hold onto the things we affirm. By God’s help we’ll become the church God wants us to be – especially as we seek to do that in-person and digitally.
Speak to your Life Group Leader to get your book. If you’re isolating please let them know you need one so you can read along.
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