Here are the notes from Bob Claycamp’s message that the Day in the Word Conference. Matt 28:30 – “I am with you always” – Discipleship is a life long process not a 12 week program Three deadly seeds against Discipleship – Comfort – Conveniency – Complacency Nine areas of Discipleship from Paul’s last letter to...
Tag: dayintheword14
Luke 14:25-27 – David Guzik
Here are the notes from David Guzik message that the Day in the Word Conference. Previously Luke has told us that coming to God is like accepting an invitation. It is likely that he included this portion here, at this time, to demonstrate that it’s not exactly like accepting an invitation. So, Luke tells us...
Matthew 4:18-22 – Practical Guide for Discipleship in Ministry
The disciples saw following Jesus a top priority They relinquished the routine They forsook the familiar They sacrificed their security Let go of material comfort To be a disciple and a disciple-makers requires letting go of the old man and grasping hold of the new man in Christ. Four basic principles for discipleship to ministry...
Philippians 3:14-16 -David Guzik
David Guzik notes from the Day in the Word Conference. 1. Carefully choose your examples – 1 Cor 5:15 – Phil 3:17 – 2 Thess 3:7 – 1 Tim 4:12 – 1 Tim 1:15-16 “I press on” – 2. We all need drive to follow God the way that we should – We should never...